Deeply moved by Eleonora Lvov's perfomance of Chopin's Sonata with Funeral March at her April 11, 2010 concert - the day after the tragic demise of the President of Poland, Lech Kaczinski - there was an article written by Mr. John Buecheler. He felt it is Ms. Lvov's most powerful musical tribute to the tragedy of monumental proportions.
You may read the article and hear her performance by clicking on the link below:

Sharing the Sorrow of the People of Poland

A recent reviewer wrote:

"Ms. Eleonora Lvov's style can best be described as full of life: passionate, romantic, uplifting, and moving, her performances have stirred audiences worldwide. Her trademark of seemingly effortless technical mastery has converged with an emotional depth that has hailed standing ovations and international acclaim. Audiences the world over have described her playing as "magical", highly lyrical, and sublime, penetrating to the very meaning of the music she is interpreting. Her playing is a tonal kaleidoscope of light and expression. Ms. Lvov engages audiences everywhere by her vivacious love for people and ebullient heart and zest for life and for music. For every era of music, she honors the art and style of the composer whilst infusing it with the breadth of understanding gained from the greatest of the Russian schools. Everything about Ms. Lvov is filled with life, vibrancy, radiance, and brilliance. Her performances are technically astounding, emotionally gripping, full of color, grace, clarity, and musical genius on par with the gratest performers of all time."

Eleonora Lvov - Russian Concert Pianist and Master Teacher - - (941) 358-0235

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